United It IS Our Legacy

     I’d like to invite you to share my dream.  I call it U.F.F.O.(United Family Foundations Organization). Opening eyes to the damages of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.  With a more in-depth look into P.T.S.D..  Did you know that war is not the only cause?  For many years we have looked the other way, so to speak, leaving those whom have already been victimized, to yet again feel like a victim.   It is time that this form of neglect comes to an end.  I had no idea exactly how many children were subjected to such unbelievable things.

I am aware that this is a very controversial subject, and that some people may or may not be prepared or willing to openly address it.

   People in today’s society are too concerned with their reputation or public image, that they have neglected the very foundation upon which a family and our nation has been built upon.  It is extremely rare to find anyone whom believes in core values, and whom give love to family, let alone to people they don’t know. I am one of those people that continues to give, even when I get nothing in return.  I have continually been looked down on, viewed as the black sheep, and haven’t been given the time of day.  I was raised Christian, as of late, I can’t say that I claim a specific religion or political group. I do not go to church regularly but I do pray every day, and live my life accordingly. I am human, I do make mistakes, and I do believe in GOD.

   It is not my place to judge anyone else, nor do I condone certain things.  In the end, all I truly want, is to know that I did everything I could do to raise my children right. By right, what I mean is that they know love, respect, honor, responsibility, loyalty, humility, and empathy, as well and being able to reciprocate it back.  

     Standing here today I know 100% that a lot of my friends and family know what I am talking about.  I am aware that some will follow,  while others will deny the truth, or reject its validity. So whether or not I’m ready has never been the question for me.  The question has always been will you stand up for the children?  My answer absolutely positively 100% I will.

                                        Are You With Me?
What is P.T.S.D.?

United Family Foundations

photo credit

Published by EVincze

Be patient with me, God is not finished with me yet.